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David M. Carr

Santa resilienza. Le origini traumatiche della Bibbia

Santa resilienza. Le origini traumatiche della Bibbia

David M. Carr
edito da Queriniana, 2020

Libri - Brossura

25,65 € 27,00 -5%

Disponibile in 4-5 giorni

The Formation of Genesis 1-11

The Formation of Genesis 1-11

David M. Carr
edito da Oxford University Press, 2020

eBooks - Ebook

111,31 €

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Writing on the Tablet of the Heart

Writing on the Tablet of the Heart

David M. Carr
edito da Oxford University Press, 2005

eBooks - Ebook

52,82 €

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Holy Resilience

Holy Resilience

David M. Carr
edito da Yale University Press, 2014

eBooks - Ebook

30,66 €

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The Hebrew Bible

The Hebrew Bible

David M. Carr
edito da Wiley, 2021

eBooks - Ebook

30,99 €

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A Contemporary Introduction to the Bible

A Contemporary Introduction to the Bible

Colleen M. Conway , David M. Carr
edito da Wiley, 2021

eBooks - Ebook

36,99 €

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